Indoor mold isn’t just visually unappealing; it can have negative consequences for your health, too. So—do you know if you have mold inside your home? Even if you might not suspect an indoor mold problem (it can be difficult to detect sometimes), your house could be harboring tens of thousands of health-harming spores.

So where might you find them? While showers, tubs, and sinks are the most common sites for mold proliferation, there’s one not-so-obvious, yet common location many homeowners overlook: their ductwork. Below, our Dust Doctors team has the details on how to detect mold growth in your HVAC ducts.

Unexplained Allergies or Illness

Does anyone in your home suffer from unexplained indoor allergies? Has anyone fell ill mysteriously or developed respiratory distress with no apparent explanation? If so, those symptoms may be an indication of mold development within your ductwork, which can only be remedied through professional cleaning and sanitization.

Unfortunately, individual tolerance levels for mold exposure vary widely, which means some people in your home won’t feel ill at all, while others may develop glaring, uncomfortable symptoms. The most common signs of mold-related allergies or illness include:

●        Itchy, watery eyes

●        Stuffy or runny nose

●        Post-nasal drip

●        Persistent coughing, sneezing, or wheezing

●        Shortness of breath or headaches

●        Dry skin or a scaly rash-like appearance

If you’ve noticed any of the above symptoms, it’s always a good idea to have your home tested for mold. Those who are sensitive to mold can develop more severe symptoms over time, so the sooner you eradicate the problem, the better.

Discoloration Around Vents

If you can see brown, black, green, or yellow discoloration around any of the vents in your home, you probably have mold growing somewhere in the ductwork. Usually, you’ll find the mold right near the affected vent, but in some cases, the problem becomes systemic.

In most cases, it’s tough to tell just how far into the duct the mold extends since the circulating air constantly pushes new spores into the vent. If you have moldy vents, your best course of action for eliminating the problem is professional duct cleaning, which you should pursue at your earliest convenience.

Moisture In the Ducts

Take a peek inside your vents — can you see an excessive amount of moisture droplets or standing water? Mold thrives in dark, moist environments, so if you can see water, chances are there’s mold somewhere nearby. What should you do? Contact a professional duct cleaning specialist who can inspect the duct for signs of mold and remove any fungus, if necessary.

A Persistent Musty Odor

When you don’t have your HVAC system constantly circulating air, what does your indoor air smell like? Musty and stale, or fresh and clean? If you’re not sure, try turning off your a/c for several minutes. Turn it back on and pay close attention to the smell of the air emanating from your vents when the system begins circulating air. What do you notice? Any strong, unpleasant odors? If so, there’s a solid chance you’re dealing with mold or mildew growth, both of which must be eradicated through professional duct cleaning.

Worried You Have Moldy Ducts? Contact Dust Doctors Today

If you think your ducts have a mold problem, our team Dust Doctors is ready to help you eradicate it. We specialize in a variety of professional duct cleaning services for homeowners throughout the Twin Cities metro, so no matter what kind of condition your ducts are currently in, we can restore them to a healthy, efficient state. To learn more about our services, schedule an appointment, or request your free quote, give our team a call at 651-319-9777 or message us on our contact page, and we’ll be in touch promptly.

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