Every year, thousands of homes in the United States suffer devastating dryer fires caused by lint accumulation. So—have you cleaned your dryer vents lately? At Dust Doctors, we know it’s easy to overlook routine dryer vent cleaning, but to do so is to put yourself, your loved ones, and your home in danger. Below, we’ve outlined the potential consequences of living with dirty dryer vents, plus what you can do to reduce your risk of a lint-related household fire.

Dirty Dryer Vents: What’s the Problem?

Dryer vents are designed to collect a little lint, right? After all, they’re attached to a lint-producing machine, right? While it may be true that your dryer vent is designed to accommodate a small amount of lint, most homeowners let their vents accumulate far more than a small amount of the fuzzy stuff. And unfortunately, neglecting routine dryer vent cleaning can lead to undesirable consequences, including:

●        Pest infiltration

●        Lint-related household fire

●        Increased carbon monoxide emissions inside the home

●        Reduced efficiency during dryer operation, leading to higher household energy costs

To avoid the negative consequences associated with excessive dryer lint accumulation, experts recommend dryer vent cleaning at regular intervals. For most households, that means once per year, but for large families who dry several loads of laundry per week, more frequent cleaning may be necessary. Keep reading to learn how to maintain your vents properly.

Step #1: Disconnect the Dryer From the Vent

To clean your dryer vent, start by locating the vent tube at the back of the machine. Next, locate the exhaust vent opening where it exits your home. If you have an electric dryer, disconnect it from the power source before you begin cleaning; if you have a gas dryer, be sure to turn off the supply valve before you start the cleaning process.

When the dryer is no longer connected to a power supply, pull it away from the wall approximately one to two feet, so you can disconnect the duct tube. Once you have the machine in the appropriate place, disconnect the tube from the back of the dryer. If there’s a vent clamp, you may require a screwdriver to remove it.

Step #2: Vacuum the Interior of the Vent

Before you begin cleaning, don a pair of safety gloves — if there are any sharp metal edges around the vent opening, you could cut yourself. To begin the cleaning process, use your gloved hands to remove lint from the vent hole at the back of the dryer. Don’t try to reach all the way into the hole, just take out whatever lint is in the immediate opening.

Next, use the hose attachment of your household vacuum or shop vac to clean in and around the vent hole at the back of the dryer. Once the hole is clean, begin cleaning the duct tube using the same hose attachment on your vacuum. You’ll also need to vacuum out the exhaust vent opening where it exits your home, so head outside, remove the exterior vent cover, and vacuum as far into the exhaust vent as you can.

Step #3: Brush Out the Vent

If you have a long dryer vent, often, a vacuum won’t reach far enough into the vent to clean it thoroughly. In such cases, you can try using a specialized vent cleaning brush to reach deep into the vent and remove anything your vacuum couldn’t get to.

However, this process can be a challenge due to the fact that many homeowners are unaware of exactly how long their dryer vents are, and whether or not they’ve managed to reach every segment of the duct. That’s where professional cleaning comes in.

If you don’t have time to clean your ducts, don’t have the right equipment to conduct the process properly, or you’re unsure you can do a thorough job, annual professional vent cleaning is highly recommended. Click here, to learn more about our dryer vent cleaning process and what sets our Dust Doctors team apart.

Need Dryer Vent Cleaning in the Twin Cities? Contact Dust Doctors Today

If your dryer vent needs a deep clean, it’s time to get in touch with our team at Dust Doctors. We specialize in a variety of other services designed to help you maintain your home, including duct cleaning, a/c cleaning, furnace cleaning, and more. To learn more, schedule an appointment, or request your free quote, give our team a call at 651-319-9777 or message us on our contact page, and we’ll be in touch promptly.

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