Did You Know Dusty Vents Are a Fire Hazard?

Accumulated soot and dust can be a fire hazard. This is because all dust is full of dry and flammable material which can easily ignite under the right conditions. Any sufficiently large collection of dust can be ignited either by contact with a spark or if the surface it is settled on becomes very hot.

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Whole-Home Air Purification vs. Portable Air Purifier: Which Is Best?

Your home’s air quality is important to the wellness of your family. Your HVAC system can work like a giant filter, with plenty of unpleasant contaminants coming to reside in your air duct system. Mold, mildew, biological organisms, infestations, and allergens can all affect your family’s health, causing asthma, allergies, and illness. Many families rely on air purifier systems to help keep the air fresh and clean between duct cleanings.

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Does Air Purification Actually Work for Improving Indoor Air Quality?

If you feel like the air inside your house could use some help, you've probably looked into air purification systems. But do they really work? Click to learn what you need to know about in-home air purifiers.

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Tips to Help Manage Your Seasonal Allergies

When you live in the Twin Cities, chances are you look forward to spring’s arrival after months of dealing with cold, dreary, winter weather. If you have seasonal allergies, though, those allergies can really put a damper on spring’s much-anticipated sunnier, warmer days.

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Why Do Rooftop Dryer Vents Need to be Cleaned More?

Cleaning your dryer vent is an important task that should not be overlooked in any home. When you use your dryer, lint and other debris can accumulate in the vent over time. This buildup can cause a variety of problems that can compromise the efficiency and safety of your dryer.

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What to Do When Your Furnace Breaks Down in Winter

Have you ever heard the saying, “You don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone?” If you find yourself without a functioning heating unit on a bitterly cold winter day this year, you’ll deeply understand the truth of that old adage.

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8 Furnace Tips for New Homeowners

If this is your first winter in your own home, it's smart to familiarize yourself with how to maintain your furnace. Of course, you can always hire a furnace cleaning and repair pro for annual service, but you should understand how to keep your unit running smoothly.

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6 Reasons to Invest in an Annual HVAC Maintenance Plan

How diligent are you about caring for your furnace and air conditioner? Do you clean them both annually? Do you check for potential issues that could be compromising efficient performance?

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Unraveling the Mystery: Why Does Air Duct Cleaning Pricing Vary So Much?

If you've ever considered having your home's air ducts cleaned, you may have been taken aback by the wide range of prices quoted by different service providers. The seemingly mysterious fluctuations in air duct cleaning pricing can leave homeowners perplexed and questioning the validity of the service. In this blog, we'll delve into the factors that contribute to the considerable variability in air duct cleaning costs, helping you make an informed decision when seeking this essential service.

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How to Find the Best Local Furnace Repair Service

When your furnace is acting up, finding a reputable repair company you can trust isn't always easy. While several furnace repair specialists are likely available in your local area, not all of them will live up to your expectations. To ensure you hire the right company for your needs, it's important to understand what to look for as you search for a contractor.

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