When you live in Minnesota, chances are you spend the majority of your time indoors during winter. And while you definitely want to stay as warm and cozy as possible during our frigid winters, you definitely don’t want to be breathing in tons of dust particles all season long.

Unfortunately, dust has a special way of building up indoors over the winter season because it’s comprised primarily of skin particles and we tend to spend more time in our homes shedding skin. The fact that most of us rarely crack open the windows for ventilation during winter doesn’t help either.

What can you do to control winter dust accumulation and keep your indoor air quality high throughout the season? We’re sharing five effective dust-busting strategies below.

1. Keep Your HVAC Filters Clean

If you have a central HVAC system, you already know you should be changing the filters approximately 60-90 days. But do you actually do that? If not, winter is the perfect time to start. Ensuring the filter medium is as clean as possible will allow that filter to trap more dust as it passes through your ductwork, which will prevent those particles from floating into your living areas.

2. Schedule Professional Duct Cleaning

If your house tends to collect a lot of dust and you’ve never had your ductwork cleaned, winter is a great time to get that done, too. A thorough duct cleaning will remove all of the dust and other debris from within your air ducts, and one good cleaning should keep your ducts dust-free for about two years. The fact that duct cleaning can help improve your furnace and a/c efficiency is a definite perk too.

Before you schedule service, read up on How to Prepare For a Professional Duct Cleaning Appointment.

3. Use an Air Purification Device

When your home accumulates a lot of dust, it can negatively impact your indoor air quality and may cause some people to develop allergy-like symptoms. That’s where an air purification device can be remarkably useful.

These devices are available in both portable and whole-house designs and feature highly advanced filtrations systems that can trap even the tiniest airborne particles. Some even have UV lights that destroy airborne bacteria and viruses, which can be a real boon during cold and flu season.

4. Dust and Vacuum Weekly

When you dust, dust from top to bottom. Start with ceiling fans, high shelves, and wall decor, and move down from there. Use microfiber tools that don’t just push dust around but trap it within a network of tiny fibers. When you’re finished dusting, vacuum to make sure you get any particles that fell to the floor from higher up. Do this once a week, and you should see a major difference in the amount of dust you see around the house.

5. Clean Bedding, Linens, and Upholstery Regularly

Dust is largely comprised of dead skin particles, and since you likely spend several hours in your bed and on your furniture each night, those areas can be a major hotspot for dust accumulation.

That’s why, if you want to control dust buildup, you must regularly wash not just your sheets but your comforter and blankets as well. If you have upholstered furniture or lots of cloth drapes, be sure to regularly vacuum those things with an upholstery attachment.

Let Dust Doctors Help You Get a Handle on Indoor Dust Buildup

Feel like your home is dusty all the time? We can help you take care of that! At Dust Doctors, we specialize in comprehensive duct cleaning, HVAC maintenance, and indoor air quality solutions for homes throughout the Twin Cities metro, and over 10+ years in business, we’ve served thousands of satisfied customers. Check out our reviews for proof!

To get started or learn more about our services, feel free to call our Little Canada, MN office today at 651-319-9777 or request a free quote, and we’ll get in touch!

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