Whether it’s tree pollen in April or ragweed in August, allergens around the Twin Cities area are a year-round aggravation. Allergy sufferers often seek refuge from these sneeze-causing, eye-watering menaces indoors. However, sometimes it seems like relief never comes. If you experience allergy symptoms inside your home, one culprit could be your own ventilation system.


Minnesota is a state that relies on HVAC systems to keep indoor air clean. This also means our systems become dirtier faster—even more so than other states! Because allergens are tiny particles, they can get trapped in the air ducts and other components. The more these particles build up, the more you are at risk for experiencing allergy symptoms indoors.

So, how can you tell which nasty particulates are hiding in your vents? It all depends on the season! Some of the most common yearly allergens around the Twin Cities include:


●        Tree Pollen

In the spring and summer, this is typically the strongest pollen season in our area. The most common culprits include oak, juniper/cedar, mulberry, and birch. However, even less common trees, such as alder and willows, can release tons of pollen in a relatively short amount of time. In fact, airborne pollen is capable of travelling between 100 and 150 miles! This means your air system can trap particles from trees that may not be in your immediate vicinity.


●        Grass Pollen

Summer is prime grass allergy season. Warmer air is perfect for grass fertilization, which leads to the release of pollen into the air. In addition to the runny noses and sneezing, grass pollen is also responsible for annual cases of hay fever. Keeping grass cut short can help mitigate some symptoms, but like tree pollen grass pollen is also capable of travelling vast distances, including into your home’s duct systems.


●        Weed Pollen

During the summer and fall, ragweed is the most commonly blamed source of weed allergies. Nettle is a close second. Interestingly, according to the Minnesota Department of Health, a huge percentage of weed allergens consist of “unidentified pollen.” This is partially due to the fact so many weeds are releasing pollen this time of year it’s difficult to get an accurate reading.


●        Mold

Pollen isn’t the only irritant that can build up in your air system! During late winter and early spring, mold counts skyrocket in the weeks when snow and ice melt and temperatures warm up. These particles and spores can cause more than just allergic reactions; they are a top cause for asthma attacks and bronchial infections too.


As we can see, allergens are a year-round problem both outdoors and inside. While it’s difficult to avoid them outside, keeping your vents, ducts, and the inner components cleaned are an easy way to get relief from allergies in your home or business.


To schedule a full duct inspection and cleaning, contact Dust Doctors today at 651-319-9777, or you can message us on our contact page.

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