
Posts Tagged ' pets'

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What Households Are Most in Need of Duct Cleaning?

Duct cleaning is an important practice for any household. It improves air flow throughout the building, reducing energy consumption and improves the quality of air in the house. While every household needs to have duct cleaning performed, there are certain households much more susceptible to airborne issues. Due to this, these are the homes in most urgent need for duct cleaning. 

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What Lives In Your Air Ducts?

As many are aware of the visible obstructions lining your air ducts, there are still plenty of critters that occupy a home that would make a person's skin crawl at night. Thankfully, Dust Doctor is the likely solution for eradicating the many evils living in your home’s air exchange system. With this being said, here's a look at what kind of pests a Dust Doctor can help eliminate.

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